For the first time ever, Interlogica’s legendary Capture the Flag (CTF) experience is evolving into an independent event: “WASTELANDS”.
This one-of-a-kind cybersecurity challenge is hitting the online scene on July 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2024, following the smash success of the previous edition, which drew in over 150 participants from across Italy and beyond.
How to get involved
Regola numero uno: formare una squadra per sfidare le intricatissime challenge nel vasto universo della sicurezza informatica e immergersi in un mondo post-apocalittico desertico, dove conquistare un ruolo di rilievo tra le macerie della tecnologia è l’obiettivo principale.
Rule number one: gather your crew to tackle the intricate challenges in the vast realm of cybersecurity. Dive headfirst into a post-apocalyptic desert world, where carving out a spot amidst the tech ruins is the ultimate goal.
“WASTELANDS” is packing all the action into 3 days, unlike last year’s month-long affair, offering up a can’t-miss chance for cybersecurity buffs to test their mettle in an electrifying, cutthroat atmosphere.
The challenges lined up for the CTF are dripping with captivating design. You’ll have the chance to embark on gripping escapades, tangling with old-school terminals, IoT gadgets, long-forgotten filesystems, or even entire blogs.
An atomic adventure
“It all seemed wondrous—tree-lined avenues, skyscrapers, ships, and airplanes. But we are not like this; we are a generation born amidst refuse, learning technology from rust and art from the depths of atomic shelters…. “
Le singole challenge sono tratte da “storie vere” per provare il brivido dell’avventura tra vecchi robot, palazzi abbandonati, blast door e bunker sotterranei.
È l’ora di radunare le migliori menti conssciute e iniziare la preparazione per la sfida delle challenge, sempre più ostiche, che spazieranno tra web, full pwn, stego e molto altro.
Each individual challenge is ripped straight from real-life tales, sending you on wild rides among ancient robots, deserted buildings, fortified blast doors, and hidden underground bunkers.
It’s time to round up your sharpest minds and start gearing up for increasingly hair-raising challenges, spanning everything from web, full pwn, stego and much more.
What’s on the line
Just like any good showdown, victory means basking in the glory of outshining the competition, plus snagging a sweet prize pool. And don’t forget about the cool gadgets and exclusive swag waiting to be snagged.
Keeping the buzz alive
Make sure to mark your calendar for May 7th at 6 PM on Twitch, where our Cyber Security team will be holding court in a live interview hosted by Rocco Sicilia, a real Cybersecurity whiz.
The hour-long session is open to all, Twitch account or not. It’s a golden opportunity to get the lowdown on how a Capture The Flag event comes to life, how our backend infrastructure ticks, and what goes into crafting those mind-bending challenges.
More detailed info and the live stream link are coming soon!

Staying in the loop
The main event’s in July, but what about in the meantime? To make sure you don’t miss a beat and get the scoop on each challenge’s specs ahead of time for optimal prep, hop on over and join the official Discord channel.

And don’t forget to bookmark the event on CTFtime, your go-to spot for checking out all the CTFs lined up throughout the year.
With that, you’ll have “WASTELANDS” right at your fingertips, ready to roll.
July 5-6-7, 2024
100% online
Jeopardy style
Team partecipation
Real-time updates
official Discord channel
event on CTFtime