We just can’t stand still!

#Covid19 is running and we want to respond to this situation in a proactive way, connect and support culture and its spreading in alternative ways.
The “physical” Meetup, that of networking and apericena to be clear, is postponed and while waiting to our regular life coming back, we have imagined “a diversion”: welcome the Virtual Bitcoin Meetup by InterlogicaHUB, which keeps unchanged its informative approach.
Prof. Fernando Maria Ametrano renewed his willingness to intervene and spend time with us, in addition to the pleasant return of Prof. Massimo Morini and the presence of Attorney Massimo Simbula.

But how?

Wednesday, March 11, relax on your couch. The speaker/public formula in this case can not work, so we thought of a more agile and dynamic format that is more engaging for people listening.

We will be in live-streaming and for us it will be an absolute premiere, a trial (and as such, forgive us, some glitch could happen) that if it works will be the “number 0” of our Live Events.

** Share this communication, let’s fight the #infodemia together and spread the information. Involve friends and relatives, invite them and turn on the brain. **

The live streaming will take place from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm, do not miss it!
Click on the button below to connect on Wednesday, March 11th.

Virtual Bitcoin Meetup
with Ferdinando M. Ametrano, Massimo Morini, Massimo Simbula
How to join: 
Wednesday, March 11 from 8 p.m. click on the button above to access live streaming