Interlogica joins the ADS-Amsterdam Data Science network organization. A strategic partnership enabling Interlogica to strengthen its presence in one of the most vibrant northern countries in terms of tech development and research.

ADS is a network organization of academic and industrial partners that has established a strong Data Science and AI ecosystem in the Amsterdam region.
ADS exists to facilitate the growth and international standing of this ecosystem. It does this by connecting knowledge institutes and bridging academia, industry and society by providing a platform for collaboration and engagement.

Established in 2014, ADS is the initiative of the four knowledge institutes in Amsterdam: CWI-Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, HvA-Hogeschool van Amsterdam, VU-Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam e UvA-University of Amsterdam.

Interlogica is working with Centrum Wiskunde& Informatica on a scientific research project addressing ethical issues on applying high tech to HR Management transparency as well as inclusivity.

ADS, same as Interlogica, organizes several Meetups a year focused on exciting topics around the areas of Data Science and AI, including human interaction, IoT, Cybersecurity and the real-world applications of the research.
Both organizations seek relationships in Industry and Academia, work on research-related projects and move fluidly from Data Science to Big Data, to Artificial Intelligence.

An echoing vision that fosters a mutual relationship within a cluster of highly specialized companies, promoting a pool of shared skills and perspectives fueling at the same time further research into cutting-edge technologies.

The partnership, in conclusion, serves many purposes and paves the way for continuous innovation and cross-sectional growth already taken by Interlogica.