“After replacing the human beings for manual labor, the robots are about to conquer the field of intellectual work too: analysts, doctors, accountants, travel agents, journalists, lawyers and so on.”
Homo Premium, the new essay written by the journalist Massimo Gaggi and published by Laterza, has been presented at the University Ca’ Foscari in Aula Baratto on June 11. The dean Michele Bugliesi introduced the presentation.
These are the topics of scientific interest which has been discussed: Blockchain, artificial intelligence, and technological revolution 4.0. Alessandro Fossato, CEO of Interlogica, was the speaker in charge of presenting the above-mentioned topics, thanks to his experience in the field of cutting-edge technologies. Together with him, there were David Cis, Chief Operating Officer Generali Italia, and Francesca Coin, professor at the University Ca’ Foscari. The journalist Luca Barbieri, expert of innovation, was the moderator of the presentation.
An important presentation which widened the possible horizons, and which helped understand how technologies can get popular and facilitate our life. However, this presentation also helped to understand how important it is always being careful: “We are living a revolution, which has been underestimated up to now: lost and new jobs, the technologies stressing out the difference between the higher social levels – richer, long-lived and which can have access to knowledge – and the lower levels.”
Massimo Gaggi is a columnist of the italian newspaper Corriere della Sera based in the United States, from where he write about political and economic issue of the country. He published several books, among which “Dio, patria, ricchezza” (Rizzoli 2006), “La fine del ceto medio e la nascita della società low cost” (con E. Narduzzi, Einaudi 2006), “Piena disoccupazione” (con E. Narduzzi, Einaudi 2007) and “L’ultima notizia. Dalla crisi degli imperi di carta ai paradossi dell’era di vetro” (with M. Bardazzi, Rizzoli 2010), to name a few.