In August Interlogica obtained the Quality Certification according to the international standard ISO 9001:2015, a regulation that defines the requirements of the quality management systems and allows the organizations, on a voluntary basis, to submit to verification its own quality system and related production processes by an accredited certification Authority.
The certification project, through an analysis and verification course of the processes, has led to the identification and evolution of internal procedures aimed at ensuring the correct execution of operational activities and compliance with legal and sector regulations. Primarily aiming to guarantee and increase full customer satisfaction and improved efficiency and effectiveness of results.
ISO 9001 is the best known and used standard for quality management systems around the world and is a regulation aimed at continuous and constant improvement of the company, to guarantee the optimization of the organizational structure. The customer can thus have full confidence in the fact that the services and products placed on the market correspond to fixed specifications in compliance with the rules imposed by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and that all phases relating to their realization are repeatable and verifiable.
For Interlogica, this is another step forward on the road to commitment at all levels on issues of continuous development and a service that covers all aspects of customer relations. A goal and at the same time a starting point, to be able to monitor internal processes and constantly optimize performance, in order to offer increasingly high quality services.