Interlogica is participating in the TUNE Confederation – Territory, Utilities, NEtwork project, which is aimed at testing new models of data-driven innovation towards a common European data sharing space.
The project is funded by Decree of the Director of the ERDF Management Area No. 180 issued on May 20, 2020 as part of the “Call for Support for Projects Developed by Business Aggregations” – “POR ERDF 2014-2020, Axis 1. Action 1.1.4., referred to Regional Council Resolution No. 711 of May 28, 2019.

TUNE Confederation – Territory, Utilities, NEtwork is an attempt to concretely address the challenge ( sought by the European Union) of creating a Data Marketplace for the digital economy of the future: a specific European commitment to counterbalance the overwhelming power of the world’s big players and ” incentivize private sector development, scientific progress and public sector information reuse as drivers of innovation and system competitiveness” (as recalled in the European Commission’s Communication “Towards a Common European Data Space” of April 2018).
The main actions will be a prototype on a cross-enterprise prototype, experimenting with techniques and procedures for pooling some data in order to understand how they can be used and shared without compromising privacy, confidentiality, and sensitivity with a focus on::
- automated contracting and deployment;
- connectors’ Big Data systems on given sets;
- simulation of an experimental environment by prototyping data value exchange functions.
The enabling technologies relate to the complex systems for setting up the LUDM-Local Urban Data Marketplace. These are the advanced production systems as TUNE Confederation applies precisely to the decision-making and business processes by making them more steerable, reliable and efficient.
The public contribution benefiting the operation is €279,798.74, while that benefiting Interlogica is €37,600.42 .