On May 23rd and 24th, Interlogica, as a forward-thinking company, joins the B for Good Leaders Summit in Amsterdam, held in the captivating atmosphere of the historic Beurs van Berlage, once the stock exchange of the Netherlands.

The B for Good Leaders Summit transcends being a mere event; it’s an annual convergence of global entrepreneurs and stakeholders driven by a shared vision to pioneer a transformative economy. This year, pivotal discussions center around seven themes: Regenerative Economy, Sustainable Finance, Corporate Activism, Leadership, Path to B Corp, System Change Food, and Tech for Good.

Over the years, the Summit has united over 500 companies from 50+ countries and attracted over 1200 participants, fostering an exchange of insights and experiences. With 55% of companies generating revenues below 1 million euros, 25% between 1 and 50 million euros, and 20% exceeding 50 million euros, the diversity of backgrounds fuels dialogue and innovation.

A dedicated session during the event focuses on Italy’s vibrant community, offering an unprecedented opportunity to collaborate and explore leadership models guided by the common good. Inspired by the
B For Good Leaders Declaration, formulated during the BFGL Summit 2022 in Rome, which emphasizes:

“The BFGL Cooperative exists to accelerate the transition towards a regenerative economy creating the conditions for a shared, durable prosperity. This will create social, environmental, and economic net positive value through a new model of regenerative leadership.

As inhabitants of planet Earth, we take up this intergenerational call which demands to reframe the very meaning of leadership.

To enable this evolution, as Business For Good Leaders, we commit to:

1. embrace radical interdependence, the fundamental principle governing life on Earth, as the golden rule for decision-making, leading to a regenerative impact;
2. consider at least the next generation of humans in every business decision;
3. measure what matters to integrate systemic value creation into our definition of profit;
4. challenge extractive economic models and take a stand for the common good;
5. mobilize finance as a catalyst to transform the business perspective from short-termism to long-term shared value creation.”

Interlogica’s involvement in the B for Good Leaders Summit extends beyond networking; it’s a platform to glean insights from established leaders and reaffirm our commitment to sustainable practices, shaping a brighter future.