Monday, September 30th at 6.15 pm at Altan Venanzio Palace in Portogruaro will take place the conference “The digital revolution and the future of our territory”, organized by Polins (Strategic Innovation Pole) – a company that aims to support companies in the development of innovations in their business models.
During the evening will be presented the book “Immaterial Capitalism” by Stefano Quintarelli, member of the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the UN, member of the Group of high-level experts on Artificial Intelligence for the European Commission and Chairman of the Committee of Address of the Agency for Digital Italy, is in fact one of the greatest experts in the world of digital innovation.
Like Interlogica through Meetups and events, Polins also recognizes the importance of giving voice to experts coming from different contexts and formations that’s the reason why they create true connections between university researchers, students, companies and external professionals.
During the round table at the end of the evening, Nicola Barozzi, Interlogica Business Developer, was then asked to contribute to bringing the company’s experience in the field of innovation, deepening the intervention with practical cases on recent technologies like Blockchain and IoT. Testimony that will interweave with the speech of the Think Tank Foundation on opportunities and threats in the world of tourism businesses with particular attention to Eastern Veneto.
With what parameters can we read the ongoing change generated by the digital revolution? Is it possible that our territory, often considered “periphery”, still be considered as such in the light of new connectivity? What are the concrete actions to be taken?
These are just some of the questions to which the conference, supported by the City of Portogruaro and with the collaboration of Confartigianato Veneto Orientale, CNA Portogruaro-Venice, Fondazione Think Tank Nord Est and the Copernicani association, will try to answer.
“The shift in interest that capitalism has shown from the material economy – in which tangible goods were produced – to the immaterial economy – in which intermediations, which have different rules, are established – brings massive changes in our daily life, that the politics (and therefore the citizens) must learn to manage and govern, if they have the common good at heart. It is a colossal challenge,”- Quintarelli writes in his book -” which is developing at a fast paced”, but are we ready to manage the outcomes?
The digital revolution and the future of our territory
Monday, September 30th
6.15 pm
Altan Venanzio Palace
Via Seminario 27,
30026 Portogruaro
Free entrance.