Today Thursday, June 16, Interlogica is joining as a technology partner the Dahua Netshield Official Kick-Off, organized by Dahua Technology Italy. The event starts at 10:00 am at the National Autodrome of Monza, in the exclusive Hospitality Hall.
The occasion is one of those important ones, introducing NETSHIELD, the new line of Dahua products that raises security to the highest levels. A selection of elite devices equipped with ad hoc firmware tested to meet the most stringent cybersecurity requirements in project scenarios.
Speaker for Interlogica, Roberto Bindi, Security Systems Architect. He introduces work executed to test the new devices, a rigorous process of multiple analyses and testing:
- Authorization and Authentication analysis systems development,
- API / Backend robustness analysis,
- standard Vulnerability Assessment type analysis,
- Penetration Testing and ad-hoc analysis activities.
The goal is to ensure end customers and installers on the security of devices and firmware released by Dahua.
Security at the highest level is the message that Dahua Italy management conveys with this event, “having long noted the urgency of raising awareness and protecting our users on the issue of cybersecurity, providing equipment that is always reliable and GDPR compliant.”
The day is planned according to the following program:
10:00 – Welcome
10:30-12:30 – Cybersecurity overview
The lawyer’s word
IT experts’ perspective
Dahua’s response
14:30-16:00 – Open discussion and goodby
L’incontro, riservato a System Integrator, Security Manager e progettisti, si svolge in modalità ibrida grazie alla diretta streaming con la fiera di Padova.
Dahua Netshield Official Kick-Off
Organized by Dahua Technology Italy
June 16, 2022
National Autodrome of Monza