Interlogica and Informatici Senza Frontiere* (ISF) are working together to implement the “Gratitude 4.0” project. Its aim is to promote Borgo Mazzini Smart Co-housing social capital through gift economy and trade within the community.
Borgo Mazzini Smart Co-housing is a living space for over 60 from ISRAA – the Institute with in-patient services and assistance to the elderly community, located in Treviso. The co-housing project, a new way of living that relates personal and social dimensions with communal spaces, also relies on collaboration and opportunities exchanges.
In questo contesto collaborativo e smart, che garantisce autonomia e indipendenza, ma anche una leggera rete di sostegno e assistenza al bisogno, si concretizza la proposta di un progetto sperimentale che congiunge gli intenti di ISF e Interlogica: lo sviluppo di un’applicazione che favorisca nel Borgo un’economia non monetaria in cui capacità, abilità e tempo circolino a beneficio di tutti.
In such collaborative and smart context, the proposal of an experimental project is finally realised, uniting ISF and Interlogica’s intents. The context provides autonomy and independence with a light support network and assistance. It is an application which helps favouring the economy in such community not from a monetary perspective but by using talent, abilities and time.
Interlogica professionals share their technological experience to develop a similar tool to BigUp! – an innovative platform used in the company which gives tokens amongst colleagues using a meritocracy perception system.
The application for Borgo Mazzini will help residents to request and offer quality services without paying any money but taking advantage of availability and competences of the residents instead.
* (Computer Scientists without borders, ndt)