Over 90% of the velicles rented on a long-term basis in Italy feature at least one line of code written by us.


Explore the Automotive World
How do players need to navigate to successfully address the new scenarios in the automotive market? How can they evolve, operate, and innovate while concentrating their activities on data and digital?
The Automotive sector sits at the center of a major shift. It is indeed becoming an extremely complex and competitive industry.
Find out how to enable new forms of value generation.
long-term rental supply chain
Deep knowledge of the renting process enables us to integrate your Core System into tailor-made systems for each context of the supply chain resulting in a smoother and more automated workflow.
What we do
1. marketing
Lead Generation Website: we manage websites to integrate external leads into renters’ database
2. pricing quotation configuration
Configuration and quotation system for the vehicle libraries, pricing, and quotation calculation engine.
3. contract management
Clients data collection
to create and sign contracts for corporate clients and private ones.
4. credit risk management
It checks clients’ solvency.
5. commercial order
Creation of the vehicle record within the system, along with the order confirmation by the renter.
6. supplier order
Vehicle order to the manufacturer, car registration, road tax and insurance payment and car fitting.
7. vehicle delivering
The client is notified when the car is ready and when it can be collected (a certificate of delivery is drafted).
8. reporting
Business fleet and single vehicle monitoring.
9. vehicle management
Services, accidents, courtesy car services, tires services, fines management, fuel management, active and passive invoice management.
10. complaints
Credit recovery and complaints management: Customer and Driver Experience, Customer Support.
11. vehicle return
Return report to certify the condition of the vehicle and settlement invoice: fuel, extra mileage, vehicle survey (all the damages that have not been steted need to be paid by the client). Handling of the procedure if the vehicle is either stoen or delivered earlier.
12. remarketing
All the vehicles that come back are sold to either private customers or car dealers. A new market for used car rentals has recently taken off.
Car as an on-demand service will be configurated in a marketplace where renting is going to be even more liberalized with rules set by private clients.
Alessandro Fossato on Fleet Magazine
The future of mobility
Industry changes are on-road and rapidly accelerating.
The Automotive indusrty is certainly an important pillar of the global economy. It brings together all the different technological and scientific discoveries and it is important to nurture the growth and the performance of many international companies.
Hardware Software Digital Dati The keywords that uotline the future of the Automotive industry, as well as that of the economy and society.
How do players need to navigate to successfully address the new scenarios in the automotive market? How can they evolve, operate, and innovate while concentrating their activities on data and digital?
The Automotive sector is undergoing an important evolution, becoming, today more than ever, a highly complex and competitive market.
Find out how to enable new forms of value generation.
Biggest palyers in the market choose us

Use technology to re-imagine your services and customer experiences. Embrace the Automotive revolution and find out what we can do for you!
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