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Review of core processes with the aim of minimizing waste, effectively handling substantial volumes and aligning with the Group’s Growth Vision.
Managed infrastructure on AWS, implemented as IaaS with Pulumi in TypeScript language.
Managed authentication with Amazon AWS Cognito.
Serverless back-end application logic, lambdas are in TypeScript.
Frontend developed with NextJs/React framework and with AWS Amplify UI Kit using Typescript.
Application deployed via AWS Amplify.
Multi-year IT systems implementation project to support the strategic goal of digitization.
The new solution will provide the data set needed to define SLAs and KPIs of key business processes and optimize the pricing of services offered.
Digitization is a complex journey that involves completely overhauling production strategy and processes.
Considering the notable expansion of its role and significance within the relevant production chains, Certottica Group has partnered with us to embark on a Digital Transformation journey.
This project is structured into multiple phases, encompassing various facets of the company. It commences with a thorough analysis of the actual needs of individuals and subsequently progresses to the software implementation phase.

Development of an application for business and operational process management.
Business processes
Sales management will be able to access the application to manage core business activities:
- creation of Customer and Prospect records
- creation and/or management of customer service requests through customer service quotation
- Creation of the contract and the order for test reports or certifications required by customers
- display progress and budget consumption status for agreement deals
Operational processes
The technical department will be able to prepare test reports and certifications that will be stored in the new management system with a link to the Client and the order.

Management of lab processes, notification and emailing to Client, processes, Client view, and some administrative processes.
Client processes
- access to the solution from the Corporate website
- ability to complete, edit and manage one’s records
- ability to request quotes and visualize active services and archived documents
- ability to display communications sent by the sales force
Operational processes
The technical department would be able to share the results of the test.
Zucchetti management processes
Zucchetti is the software that manages the billing cycle, shares records and some steps in the process are shared with other systems.
During this second phase, in fact, functionality will be developed for:
- test management
- logging of test execution timing and test results
- automatic processing of test reports
- creation of certification documents based on selected test reports and additional information submitted by users
- implementation of Customer view and management of some communications by system emails
- management of some accounting processes whose data are for use by Zucchetti

Operational excellence: the ability to sustain the development and execution of workloads effectively, gain insight into their functioning, and continuously improve processes and supporting procedures to deliver value to the business.

Sicurezza: capacità di proteggere i dati, i sistemi e le risorse per sfruttare le tecnologie Cloud e migliorare la sicurezza.

Reliability: ample workload capable of performing the intended function correctly and consistently when it is expected to do so. This includes the ability to run and test the workload throughout its entire life cycle.

Performance: efficient use of IT resources so as to meet system requirements and maintain efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve.

Cost optimization: management of systems so as to provide business value at the lowest price.
18 formalized as-is processes
18 formalized to-be processes
178 tasks under assessment
By implementing the new IT systems, Certottica kickstarts the achievement of the company’s strategic goal of digitization.
In particular, this transition enables efficiency and innovation in the core processes in:
- reception and management of Customer and Prospect requests;
- management of orders and any technical tests necessary for the issuance of test reports and certification documents;
- management of related invoicing and overdue payments.
Everything in compliance with the requirements for activity tracking and digital archiving of documents indicated by the Accredia certifying body.
Innovating is key to being competitive and staying abreast of industry developments.
Certottica Group is made up of Certottica s.c.r.l, Dolomiticert s.c.a.r.l and Certdolomiti Ltd.
Certottica scrl was founded thirty years ago as the Italian Institute for the Certification of Optical Products. For this reason, it is the leading company in issuing CE certifications for the entire eyewear production chain. At the HQ in Longarone, tests afferent to different international names are performed to protect the consumer and issue the certifications necessary for the products to enter the markets.
The Longarone district alone accounts for 80 % of domestic eyewear production, which as a whole is a leader with more than 5 billion in annual sales, more than 90 % of which goes to exports.
Certottica, moreover, serves companies based all over the world and basically all the top brands in the high-end fashion industry.
Alongside Certottica, two other companies belong to the Group: Dolomiticert scarl and CertDolomiti ltd.
Dolomiticert is the international reference company for performing tests and issuing certificates for protective gear – from head to toe – ranging from sport to workplace safety and driving. Its clients include some of the most famous brands in the field of footwear and sportswear, motorcycle, bicycle and outdoor helmets and clothing, climbing and work safety systems, as well as companies that manufacture respiratory protection systems.
Certottica and Dolomiticert both operate under the strict supervision of the authorities designated by the Italian government and receive annual accreditations from Accredia.
CertDolomiti, established after Brexit, with its registered office in London and operational headquarters in Bristol is the only company UKAS accredited, the British Government Institute, to issue UKCA-marked certification for the full range of accreditations already held by Certottica and Dolomiticert.
ABLE-Centro Sviluppo Competenze Belluno Dolomiti (Belluno Dolomites Competence Development Center) is the latest entity established in the Group and represents the most important corporate and intercompany training company operating in the province of Belluno. It is the headquarters of ITS Academy, administers the Politecnico dell’Occhiale and develops educational projects, financed or tailored-made, for some of the most innovative entrepreneurial Realities leaders in their target sectors, placing Human Capital at the center of its action.