Objective: to innovate the automotive sector using the IoT.
It’s for this very reason that Interlogica has decided to acquire a majority shareholding in BtheOne, a company based in Mestre, Venice, specialising in IT services for car dealerships.
Having been involved in the long-term rental business for some time, Interlogica already has some familiarity with the sector and hopes to get involved in its digital transformation.
In particular, Interlogica intends to develop new services with BtheOne – which already offers digital strategy services and advice to car dealerships and garages – in the hope of optimising non-efficient processes and integrating the latest IoT technology.
Activity will continue to focus on business-to-business and will aim to improve the entire customer journey, using the IoT and CRM technology to digitally manage car dealerships.
Every member of BtheOne’s team has an in-depth knowledge of the automotive sector, as well as expertise in innovative services for car dealers, which will be used to develop new services for the sector.
Originariamente pubblicato su Internet4Things.